O2 Studio

in Toronto, Canada

Category: Wellness Center

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Address details

2149 Danforth Avenue, Suite 201
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Phone & WWW

(416) 677-0493

Business hours

Mon - Sun : 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM


O2 Studio is a premier wellness center dedicated to holistic health and well-being, offering a range of services centered around Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). With a serene and welcoming environment, O2 Studio provides state-of-the-art HBOT sessions, leveraging the healing power of oxygen under increased atmospheric pressure. Their expertly curated sessions aim to enhance recovery, promote healing, and optimize overall wellness. Committed to offering a transformative experience, O2 Studio's knowledgeable staff and modern facilities ensure a relaxing and rejuvenating journey for each individual seeking improved health and vitality.

Hyperbaric chamber treatment, Global Optimization Solutions


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Contact details

O2 Studio

Address: 2149 Danforth Avenue, Suite 201
Phone: (416) 677-0493