Cornestone Painting LLC

in Greensboro, United States

Category: Painting Contractor

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Address details

Greensboro, NC 27407
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Phone & WWW

(336) 549-6315

Business hours

Mon - Sun: 7:00am to 8:00pm


Cornestone Painting LLC provides a reliable and affordable painting service. In addition, we paint natural surfaces and other business buildings. As an interior painting company, we have all the required licenses and bonds. Our interior painter has years of expertise, and they will provide you with the best service you have ever received from a firm. It is clear that our clients are satisfied with our service in Greensboro, NC because the majority of them come to us through word-of-mouth recommendations.

Interior Painting, Exterior Painting, Laminate Flooring, Demolition, Fencing, Deck, Cleaning Service, Sheetrock Repair, Ceiling, Global Optimization Solutions


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Contact details

Cornestone Painting LLC

Address: Greensboro, NC 27407
Phone: (336) 549-6315