Pula Arena

in Pula, Croatia

Category: Attraction

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Scalierova ul. 9A, 52100, Pula, Croatia
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N44° 52' 22.8" E13° 50' 60"   (44.873, 13.85)
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The Pula Arena (Croatian: Pulska Arena) is the name of the amphitheatre located in Pula, Croatia. The Arena is the only remaining Roman amphitheatre to have four side towers and with all three Roman architectural orders entirely preserved. It was constructed in 27 BC – 68 AD and is among the six largest surviving Roman arenas in the World. A rare example among the 200 surviving Roman amphitheatres, it is also the best preserved ancient monument in Croatia.

The amphitheatre is depicted on the reverse of the Croatian 10 kuna banknote, issued in 1993, 1995, 2001 and 2004.


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Contact details

Pula Arena

Address: Scalierova ul. 9A, 52100, Pula, Croatia