Hordern Pavilion

in Moore Park, Australia

Category: Attraction

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Address details

1 Driver Ave, Moore Park NSW 2021, Australia
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S33° 53' 38" E151° 13' 27"   (-33.893888888889, 151.22416666667)
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Hordern Pavilion is a building located in Moore Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, on the grounds of the old Sydney Showground. "The Hordern", as it is affectionally known by Sydneysiders, has been an architecturally and socially significant Sydney landmark since its construction in 1924. Now best known as a dance party and rock concert venue, the Hordern Pavilion was originally constructed for the Royal Agricultural Society of New South Wales to meet the increasing demands for exhibition space at the Royal Easter Show.


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Contact details

Hordern Pavilion

Address: 1 Driver Ave, Moore Park NSW 2021, Australia