Mayflower Curling Club

in Halifax, Canada

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3000 Monaghan Dr, Halifax, NS B3K 2V9, Canada
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N44° 39' 25.7" W63° 36' 12.4"   (44.657138888889, -63.603444444444)
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The Mayflower Curling Club, which was founded in 1905, since 1962 has been located at 3000 Monaghan Drive in Nova Scotia's Halifax Regional Municipality in Halifax.
The club is one of the premier curling rinks in Nova Scotia, being home to the teams headed by Colleen Jones, Mark Dacey, Shawn Adams, and Heather Smith-Dacey. The club was host for the curling events during the 2011 Canada Winter Games.
In 1912 the club's then-premises on Agricola Street was used as a temporary morgue for the bodies of Titanic disaster victims recovered from the North Atlantic by the Halifax-based ship the CS Mackay-Bennett, as it was the only site in the city that was both sufficiently large and cold enough for the task.
Following the 1917 Halifax Explosion, the devastated Agricola Street rinks were rebuilt.


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Contact details

Mayflower Curling Club

Address: 3000 Monaghan Dr, Halifax, NS B3K 2V9, Canada