The Vision of Constantine (Bernini)

in Città del Vaticano, Vatican City

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Via del Governatorato, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican City
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N41° 54' 10" E12° 27' 18"   (41.902777777778, 12.455)
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The Vision of Constantine is an equestrian sculpture by the Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, located in the Scala Regia by St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. Originally commissioned as a free standing work of art within St. Peter's itself, the sculpture was finally unveiled in 1670 as an integral part of the Scala Regia - Bernini's redesigned stairway between St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Palace. Unlike other large works by Bernini, art historians have suggested that this work was almost entirely undertaken by him - no other sculptors have been recorded as receiving payment. Bernini's overall fee was 7,000 Roman scudi.


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The Vision of Constantine (Bernini)

Address: Via del Governatorato, 00120 Città del Vaticano, Vatican City