Adolf Fredrik's Music School

in Stockholm, Sweden

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Dalagatan 18D, 113 24 Stockholm, Sweden
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N59° 20' 19" E18° 2' 57"   (59.338611111111, 18.049166666667)
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Adolf Fredrik's Music School (Swedish: Adolf Fredriks Musikklasser) is a general municipal junior high school (Swedish: grundskola) in Stockholm, Sweden with a focus on choral music, and highly competitive admission based on audition in singing and musical ability. The school has two campuses (City and Farsta) and three youth choirs of high international standard. Many professional musicians are alumni.
This article is about the music school and its associated youth choirs. Adolf Fredrik's Youth Choir is part of the Adolf Fredrik Church and has only its name in common with the school. Adolf Fredriks Madrigalkör used to be associated with the church, but is now independent from both the church and the school.


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Contact details

Adolf Fredrik's Music School

Address: Dalagatan 18D, 113 24 Stockholm, Sweden