Wenner-Gren Center

in Stockholm, Sweden

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Wenner-Gren Center, Sveavägen 166, 113 46 Stockholm, Sweden
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N59° 21' 4" E18° 2' 55"   (59.351111111111, 18.048611111111)
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Wenner-Gren Center is a tower and building complex in Vasastaden, Stockholm, Sweden. The building was constructed 1959–1961, and opened in 1962.
The Center consists of three buildings named Helicon, Pylon and Tetragon. Pylon is a high tower, Helicon is a lower semicircular part surrounding the tower, and Tetragon is a box-shaped building next to the tower. Helicon contains housing for visiting scientists to institutions in the Stockholm area, and this part is owned by one of the Wenner-Gren Foundations. The rest of the complex consists of commercial rental space, although some of it is traditionally used by scientific organisations, such as research-granting bodies.
The Center is named after the businessman Axel Wenner-Gren, who donated funds to finance its construction, after Nobel Prize winner Hugo Theorell had lobbied for having the housing need of visiting scientists addressed.


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Contact details

Wenner-Gren Center

Address: Wenner-Gren Center, Sveavägen 166, 113 46 Stockholm, Sweden