Kaunas Pantomime Theatre

in Kaunas, Lithuania

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Kovo 11-osios g. 26, Kaunas 51349, Lithuania
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N54° 54' 26" E23° 58' 26"   (54.907222222222, 23.973888888889)
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Kaunas pantomime theatre (Lithuanian: Kauno pantomimos teatras) is pantomime theatre in Kaunas, Lithuania. Theatre was established in 1968. Founder and leader of Kaunas Pantomime theatre was artistic director Kestutis Adomaitis (1948–1996). Kaunas Municipality becomes the founder of Kaunas Pantomime Theatre in 2003. Kaunas Pantomime theatre is the only Lithuanian professional ensemble theatre with a repertoire of this genre only. The theatre performed in many foreign countries, such as Germany, Russia, Romania, Latvia, Syria, Jordan, China, Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Denmark.


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Contact details

Kaunas Pantomime Theatre

Address: Kovo 11-osios g. 26, Kaunas 51349, Lithuania