Amal Women's Training Center and Moroccan Restaurant

in Marrakesh, Morocco

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Address details

40000 Rue Abou Hayan Taouhidi, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco
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N31° 38' 20.22" W8° 0' 49.536"   (31.63895, -8.01376)
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Amal Women's Training Center and Moroccan Restaurant (Arabic: جمعية الامل لفنون الطبخ‎; French: Association Amal pour les Arts culinaires en faveur des femmes nécessiteuses) is a non-profit organization in Marrakesh, Morocco, that helps disadvantaged women gain work experience by training them in the preparation of Moroccan food and international food. The center was established in 2012 by Nora Belahcen Fitzgerald. Each year 30–40 women complete four to six months of training, which often leads to them finding employment in a relevant field.


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Contact details

Amal Women's Training Center and Moroccan Restaurant

Address: 40000 Rue Abou Hayan Taouhidi, Marrakesh 40000, Morocco