Hurlbutt Street School

in Wilton, United States

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157 Hurlbutt St, Wilton, CT 06897, USA
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N41° 12' 3.96" W73° 24' 33.84"   (41.2011, -73.4094)
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The Hurlbutt Street School is a historic school building at 157 Hurlbutt Street in Wilton, Connecticut. Built in 1834, it was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1996. It is a single-story wood frame structure, with a gable roof and a belfry with pilastered arches that is topped by a cupola. The property includes the schoolhouse and its privy, which have both been moved. It is the only historic school in Wilton preserved in something like its original state, and has been converted to a museum for school groups and by appointment.


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Contact details

Hurlbutt Street School

Address: 157 Hurlbutt St, Wilton, CT 06897, USA