Berlin Görlitzer Bahnhof

in Berlin, Germany

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Skalitzer Str. 46B, 10997 Berlin, Germany
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N52° 29' 56.4" E13° 25' 51.6"   (52.499, 13.431)
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Görlitzer Bahnhof was the name of the Berlin railway terminus for the mainline link between the capital, Cottbus in Brandenburg and Görlitz in Lower Silesia (since 1945 Saxony). It stood overlooking Spreewaldplatz in the Outer Luisenstadt, the eastern part of Kreuzberg but wartime bombing and Cold War tensions led to its closure and eventual demolition.
The Görlitzer Bahnhof (Berlin U-Bahn) station was named after this historic station and is located on a different site nearby.


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Contact details

Berlin Görlitzer Bahnhof

Address: Skalitzer Str. 46B, 10997 Berlin, Germany