Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort

in Niagara Falls, Canada

Category: Attraction

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6380 Fallsview Blvd, Niagara Falls, ON L2G, Canada
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N43° 4' 58.1016" W79° 4' 51.042"   (43.082806, -79.080845)
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The Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort (commonly known as Fallsview Casino) in Niagara Falls, Ontario opened publicly on June 10, 2004. This $1 billion complex overlooks the Horseshoe Falls and is one of the most prominent features of the Niagara skyline. The site was once the transformer station building for the Ontario Power Company at the foot of Horseshoe Falls. It was also occupied by the Canadian Pacific Railway Montrose Subdivision.
The casino's operations are handled by a five partner consortium Falls Management Group LP of Toronto.


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Contact details

Niagara Fallsview Casino Resort

Address: 6380 Fallsview Blvd, Niagara Falls, ON L2G, Canada