
in Stockholm, Sweden

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Kråkgränd 2, 111 30 Stockholm, Sweden
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N59° 19' 31.2" E18° 4' 29.1"   (59.325333333333, 18.07475)
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Kråkgränd (Swedish: "Crow Alley") is an alley in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm, Sweden. Stretching between Skeppsbron and Österlånggatan, it forms a parallel street to Bredgränd and Nygränd.
The alley is named after Knut Nilsson Kråka, in 1608 promoted to one of the 48 Elders of the city and in 1615 a magistrate. He failed to deliver taxes required however and was subsequently freed from his duties in 1623 and died as a custom officer by the southern gate in 1625.


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Address: Kråkgränd 2, 111 30 Stockholm, Sweden