Mill Rock

in New York, United States

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E River Ln, New York, NY 10035, USA
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N40° 46' 50.3508" W73° 56' 17.5092"   (40.780653, -73.938197)
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Mill Rock is a small unpopulated island between Manhattan and Queens in New York City, in the state of New York. It lies about 1,000 feet (300 m) off Manhattan's East 96th Street, south of Randalls and Wards Islands, where the East River and Harlem River converge. The island forms Census Block 9000 of Census Tract 238 in New York County. (Except for Mill Rock Island, Census Tract 238 consists entirely of Roosevelt Island.) Its official area is 16,173 square meters, or 3.996 acres (16,170 m2).
This area was infamous as a treacherous area for shipping vessels to pass, and was known as the Hell Gate.


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Mill Rock

Address: E River Ln, New York, NY 10035, USA