League Park (Cincinnati)

in Cincinnati, United States

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1230 Findlay St, Cincinnati, OH 45214, USA
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N39° 7' 1" W84° 32' 12"   (39.116944444444, -84.536666666667)
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League Park was a Major League baseball park located in Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. It was the home of the Cincinnati Reds from 1884 through 1901. The ballpark was on an asymmetrical block bounded by Findlay Street (south), Western Avenue (northeast, angling), York Street (north) and McLean Avenue (west).
The "Findlay and Western" intersection was the home field of the Reds from 1884 through June 24, 1970, when the team moved to Riverfront Stadium. The location of the diamond and consequently the main grandstand seating area was shifted several times during the 86½ seasons the Reds played on the site. League Park was actually the first of three parks to stand on the site:
1884–1901: League Park
1902–1911: Palace of the Fans
1912–1970: Redland Field, renamed Crosley Field in 1934


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Contact details

League Park (Cincinnati)

Address: 1230 Findlay St, Cincinnati, OH 45214, USA