Záhorie (military district)

in Hlboké, Slovakia

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Hlboké 21, 906 31 Hlboké, Slovakia
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N48° 40' 0" E17° 25' 0"   (48.666666666667, 17.416666666667)
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Záhorie is a military district (formerly formally also considered a municipality) in western Slovakia in the Malacky District in the Bratislava Region.
Since 1st of July, 2012 it is allowed to wide public to enter military district without permit. Military operations are taking place in the district and visitors have to obey rules of the military district and respect temporary or permanent entry restrictions.
Maps of the region, rules of movement in the military district and time schedules of actions in the military district can be found on the web of Ministry of defense, Slovak Republic.


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Contact details

Záhorie (military district)

Address: Hlboké 21, 906 31 Hlboké, Slovakia