Lock Tender's House and Canal Store Ruin

in High Falls, United States

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30 Canal Road, High Falls, NY 12440, USA
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N41° 49' 25" W74° 7' 51"   (41.823611111111, -74.130833333333)
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The Lock Tender's House and Canal Store Ruin is located on Canal Road in High Falls, New York, United States. It is a complex along the former route of the Delaware and Hudson Canal built in the middle of the 19th century.
The Lock Tender's House is one of the few surviving such structures along the length of the canal in New York or Pennsylvania. The store ruins are also one of the few remnants of the canal's ancillary buildings. Both can be seen from a nearby public trail along the canal bed. In 1998 the property was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


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Contact details

Lock Tender's House and Canal Store Ruin

Address: 30 Canal Road, High Falls, NY 12440, USA