1976 Conference of Communist and Workers Parties of Europe

in Berlin, Germany

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Alexanderpl. 7, 10178 Berlin, Germany
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N52° 31' 21" E13° 24' 48"   (52.5225, 13.413333333333)
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The Conference of Communist and Workers Parties of Europe was an international meeting of communist parties, held in the city of East Berlin, capital of the communist-governed East Germany, on 29–30 June 1976. In all, 29 parties from all Europe (except Albania, Iceland and some microstates) participated in the conference.The conference highlighted several important changes in the European communist movement. It exhibited the declining influence of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and a widening gap between the independent and orthodox camps amongst European communist parties, with the ascent of a new political trend, Eurocommunism.


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Contact details

1976 Conference of Communist and Workers Parties of Europe

Address: Alexanderpl. 7, 10178 Berlin, Germany