Klinikum Großhadern

in München, Germany

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Marchioninistraße 15, 81377 München, Germany
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N48° 6' 37" E11° 28' 10"   (48.110277777778, 11.469444444444)
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The Klinikum Großhadern of the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich in the Großhadern district of Hadern is the largest hospital complex in Munich, owing to its affiliated institutions and 1,418 beds. In 1994 the new buildings of the Genzentrum (gene center) belonging to the LMU were put into operation and in 1999 the entire chemical/pharmaceutical faculty was relocated to the HighTech CampusLMU in Hadern. After the merger with the Klinikum Innenstadt, the building forms one of the largest hospital complexes in Germany. Since this merger, the exact definition of the complex is Klinikum der Universität München - Campus Großhadern.
The organ transplantation department of the clinic is one of the leading organ transplantation clinics in Germany. All clinically established forms of organ transplantation are implemented, e.g. Heart, Heart & Lung (simultaneously), Lungs (one or two) Pancreas, Kidney and Pancreas & Kidney simultaneously.
Aside from patient care the clinic also plays an important role in clinical and theoretical research, and student education. Attached to the clinic is a school of nursing.


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Contact details

Klinikum Großhadern

Address: Marchioninistraße 15, 81377 München, Germany