Chuchle battle

in Prague, Czechia

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V Lázních 42/3, 159 00 Praha-Velká Chuchle-Malá Chuchle, Czechia
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N50° 1' 27" E14° 23' 30"   (50.024166666667, 14.391666666667)
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Chuchle battle was a student brawl fought in a Chuchle restaurant on June 29, 1881, resulting in several wounds and a general hangover, a swatch of Czech and German chauvinism in the late 19th century, just before the Charles-Ferdinand University was divided into Czech Charles-Ferdinand University and German Charles-Ferdinand University part in 1882.


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Chuchle battle

Address: V Lázních 42/3, 159 00 Praha-Velká Chuchle-Malá Chuchle, Czechia