Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Philip (Atlanta)

in Atlanta, United States

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2744 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA
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N33° 49' 51" W84° 23' 14"   (33.830833333333, -84.387222222222)
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The Cathedral of Saint Philip, also known as St. Philip's Cathedral or St. Philip's is an Episcopal cathedral in the U.S. State of Georgia, in the City of Atlanta. Located on Peachtree Road in Buckhead (Atlanta) at what is popularly called "Jesus Junction". St. Philip's has become one of the largest Episcopal congregations in the United States, with a membership of approximately 7,000. St. Philip's is named in honor of St. Philip the Evangelist, a deacon in the early Christian Church. The Cathedral of St. Philip is the seat of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.


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Contact details

Episcopal Cathedral of Saint Philip (Atlanta)

Address: 2744 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA 30305, USA