Moving Picture Institute
in New York, United StatesCategory: Attraction

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Address details
186 Franklin St, New York, NY 10013, USA Print route »Phone & WWW

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The Moving Picture Institute (MPI) is an American non-profit organization and film production company founded in 2005 by human rights advocate Thor Halvorssen. Its current executive director is Rob Pfaltzgraff.MPI produces and collaborates on both fictional films, and non-fictional, often documentary-style films. The subjects of MPI's films typically center on concepts like human rights and individual freedoms, and governmental waste and corruption. It uses its films as a medium through which these kinds of social and economic troubles are brought to public attention to shape public perceptions, and ultimately, to change society's values. As Halvorssen explains, "Put it this way: What Sideways did for Pinot noir, I want to do for freedom." Public exposure to freedom-oriented ideas, they contend, will contribute to the improvement of these important issues which they feel tend to be ignored by other traditional media outlets.