Leather Journal

in Bellevue, WA, USA

Category: Leather Journals

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13555 SE 36th Street Suite 100, Bellevue, WA, 98006
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Memories are forever, and what better way to remember memories than writing them down in a journal? Yes, while a picture can say a thousand words, a thousand written words give a much better meaning to any picture! Our personalized, elegant handmade leather journals in Bellevue help you create those unforgettable memories. We make all our leather journals using the absolute finest leather available. Artists, and professionals, writers, college students, homemakers, and practically anyone & everyone looking for something novel to pen their notes down like our journals. We assure you there’s something that will fit your handbag, suitcase, or pocket. So you will always have something stylish to pen your thoughts down at the spur of the moment. Leather Journal is proud of our premium collections of journals in an exotic range of leather designs and tanning. The quality of our journals surpasses most other journal types and varieties.


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Contact details

Leather Journal

Address: 13555 SE 36th Street Suite 100, Bellevue, WA, 98006
Phone: 5093204187