Piras Sports Chiropractic

in Burwood, Australia

Category: Chiropractor

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Address details

Level 5, Suite 29/12 Railway Parade
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Saturday, Sunday, and Monday:- Closed
Tuesday and Friday:- 9 am - 5 pm
Wednesday:- 9 - 11 am
Thursday;- 9 am - 7 pm


Looking for the Best Chiropractor in Burwood, then contact us at Piras Sports Chiropractic. We specialize in providing comprehensive care for individuals seeking relief from various conditions, including back pain, sports injuries, and chronic pain. Dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and well-being. With a focus on addressing the root cause of your discomfort, we offer specialized back pain treatments that target the underlying issues contributing to your condition. If you're dealing with a sports injury, our priority is to help you regain strength and get you back in the game.


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Contact details

Piras Sports Chiropractic

Address: Level 5, Suite 29/12 Railway Parade
Phone: 0466870553