Herbivore Florals

in Tullamarine, Australia

Category: Florist

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Address details

Unit 1/15 Assembly Dr
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday to Friday:- 9 am - 4 pm
Saturday:- 9 am - 2 pm
Sunday:- Closed


If you are looking for the Best Online Florists in Tullamarine, then contact us at Herbivore Florals. Providing customers with the essence of botanical beauty. Always reflecting the seasons, our floral designs and giftware will ignite the senses. Choose from our range of exquisite bouquets, and striking indoor plants, or create your own bespoke gift hamper from our collection of locally sourced and sustainable giftware. Your gifts will always arrive luxuriously presented in our signature packaging. With a small team of five, the Herbivore experience that customers have come to expect is all about embracing the seasons and trusting Emma and the team to use colors and textures sourced from the natural world to convey the right message. Herbivore - For the floral obsessed.


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Contact details

Herbivore Florals

Address: Unit 1/15 Assembly Dr
Phone: 0393796264