Impression Yoga and Pilates Studio

in Warana, Australia

Category: Yoga Instructor

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Address details

5/3 Commerce Ave
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Monday to Thursday:- 6 am - 7:30 pm
Friday:- 6 am - 3 pm
Saturday:- 6 - 11 am
Sunday:- Closed


If you are looking for the Best Yoga in Warana, then contact us at Impression Yoga and Pilates Studio. Welcome to Impression Yoga and Pilates Studio in Warana. Our studio name has a meaning behind it – as did our 2 previous studios in South Africa. "Impression" is derived from our explaining to our family how important it is for us to make a positive and lasting imprint on people’s lives by sharing our passion. Like the Sanskrit word ‘Samskara’, shaping one’s life through deep impressions, hence the name Impression. Iyengar Yoga and Classical Pilates are both disciplines that have a lineage and are close to the source of the discipline. Both require years of training before certification and continued professional development. We have dedicated over 20 years to studying and teaching these two disciplines independently.


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Contact details

Impression Yoga and Pilates Studio

Address: 5/3 Commerce Ave
Phone: 0447036986