Doran Doran Coffee and Dining

in Redfern, Australia

Category: Cafe

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Address details

137 Regent St
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Sunday to Tuesday:- Closed
Wednesday to Saturday:- 8 am - 2 pm


If you are looking for the Best Cafe in Redfern, then contact us at Doran Doran Coffee and Dining. Doran Doran Coffee and Dining is based in Redfern, New South Wales. Welcome to Doran Doran Cafe, where every visit is a journey of taste and discovery. Our name, inspired by the sound of friendly whispers, encapsulates the essence of our cafe, a place for conversations, connections, and exquisite culinary experiences. At Doran Doran, we believe in creating a warm and welcoming environment where every guest is not just a customer but a cherished part of our community. Whether you're a local resident or a traveler passing through, our cafe is your home away from home. We specialize in coffee, breakfast, brunch, salads, desserts, drinks, Lorean food, and more. We also have combo deals and can also offer a catering service and venue hire.


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Contact details

Doran Doran Coffee and Dining

Address: 137 Regent St
Phone: 0433153355