SEED Cosmetics

in Hove, Australia

Category: Medical Spa

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Address details

385 Brighton Rd
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Business hours

Operating Hours:- Sunday, Monday & Wednesday:- Closed
Tuesday & Thursday:- 10 am - 5 pm
Friday:- 10 am - 2 pm
Saturday:- 10 am - 1 pm


If you are looking for the Best Botox in Hove, then contact us at SEED Cosmetics. SEED Cosmetics is based in Hove, SA, and is a locally owned and operated cosmetic clinic providing advanced injectables, medical-grade skin treatments, body contouring, and teeth whitening. Whether you are seeking a minor improvement or a non-surgical face or body transformation, we can provide a professional, safe, and discreet environment for you. As well as what is above, we also specialize in Botox, fat freezing, dermal fillers, skin needling, anti-wrinkle injections, and more. Get in touch today, and we look forward to welcoming you.


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Contact details

SEED Cosmetics

Address: 385 Brighton Rd
Phone: 0435665564