Healing Body Massage

in Etobicoke, Canada

Category: Massage therapist

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Address details

453 The East Mall, Etobicoke M9B 4A1
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Business hours

Monday - Saturday

10am - 7pm

Sunday - Closed


Are you looking for Best Massage Therapy in Eatonville? Then visit us at Healing Body Massage.We committed to providing personalized care and therapeutic treatments to help you achieve optimal health and balance.We understand the toll that stress, tension, and daily demands can take on your body and mind. That's why we offer a range of massage modalities tailored to address your specific needs and concerns.We specialize in relaxation massage, holistic massage, RMT, healing body massage, and more.Experience the therapeutic benefits of massage therapy and embark on a journey to better health and wellness. Visit us for more info.


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Contact details

Healing Body Massage

Address: 453 The East Mall, Etobicoke M9B 4A1
Phone: 14164737175