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Winter Weather Alerts Issued as Snow Storms Batter Northern States


Severe winter weather alerts have been issued across several northern states, with snow storms expected to impact over 5 million residents.

The National Weather Service has warned of potentially dangerous conditions, including heavy snowfall, strong winds, and treacherous travel.

In Michigan, up to 12 inches of snow is forecasted, accompanied by gusts reaching 45 mph.

Authorities have advised residents to avoid unnecessary travel, as blizzard-like conditions could significantly reduce visibility and make roads impassable.

Schools and businesses throughout the affected regions have announced closures and delays to ensure the safety of students, employees, and the general public.

Similarly, in Wisconsin, a winter storm warning is in effect, with the potential for up to 8 inches of snow and wind chills as low as -20°F. -


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Address: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Phone: 0336972981