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Iguanas in Florida: A Chilling Reveal as Temperatures Plummet


As temperatures plummet in Florida, a chilling truth emerges about the iguana population – these cold-blooded reptiles are facing a dire threat.

When the mercury drops below 45°F (7°C), iguanas become vulnerable, often falling from trees and becoming immobilized.

This phenomenon, known as "cold-stunning," is a survival mechanism for iguanas, who enter a state of torpor to conserve energy.

However, the prolonged exposure to the cold can prove fatal, with many iguanas succumbing to hypothermia or dehydration if they are unable to find shelter.

The impact of these cold snaps on the iguana population is substantial.

Florida is home to a thriving population of the non-native green iguana, which were introduced to the state in the 1960s.

As the climate continues to warm, these hardy reptiles have expanded their range, becoming a common sight in many residential and urban areas. -


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Address: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Phone: 0934324239