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Ongoing Impacts of Wildfires on Los Angeles Air Quality and Public Health


Wildfires in Los Angeles:

A Lingering Impact on Air Quality and Public Health In the aftermath of the devastating wildfires that swept through Los Angeles in the summer of 2022, the effects on the region's air quality and public health continue to be felt.

Despite the flames being extinguished, the consequences of these natural disasters have become a persistent challenge for the city and its residents.

The primary culprit is the significant amount of particulate matter (PM) that was released into the atmosphere during the wildfires.

This fine, airborne debris, composed of a complex mixture of soot, chemicals, and microscopic particles, has remained suspended in the air, compromising the overall air quality.

🌫️ One of the most concerning aspects is the impact on public health. -


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Contact details


Address: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Phone: 0158744925