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Titanic's Opulent Interiors: Exploring the Luxury and Design of its Fireplaces


The Titanic, a marvel of early 20th-century engineering and design, featured an impressive 14 fireplaces throughout the ship.

These ornate fireplaces were primarily located in the first-class areas, including the luxurious smoking room and the grand staircase, enhancing the opulent ambiance for its elite passengers.

The interiors showcased exquisite craftsmanship, with rich wood paneling, plush fabrics, and intricate details that reflected the era's elegance.

The combination of lavish décor and thoughtful design made the Titanic not just a means of transportation, but a floating palace on the sea. - https://ultimatefireplace.com/blog/how-many-rooms-fireplace-titanic/?unique_id_53wan9qf


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Contact details


Address: Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Phone: 0513432481