Manly Art Gallery and Museum

in Manly, Australia

Category: Attraction

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1 West Esplanade, Manly NSW 2095, Australia
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S33° 47' 54.6" E151° 16' 53.04"   (-33.7985, 151.2814)
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The Manly Art Gallery and Museum (MAGAM), located in Manly, New South Wales, Australia, was the first metropolitan-based regional gallery in New South Wales and holds an extensive collection of Australian ceramics and 130 works by Antonio Dattilo Rubbo. Since 1982, MAGAM has also been a museum of beach culture and the history of Manly and the Northern Beaches. The permanent collection numbers over 6,000 objects in a range of media including paintings, works on paper, ceramics and museum objects, documents and photographs.


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Contact details

Manly Art Gallery and Museum

Address: 1 West Esplanade, Manly NSW 2095, Australia